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Love- As I see it

Love is one of the best emotion gifted by God to all beings, living or partially living.

It has various facets and meaning for every human. Mothers love is not similar to Wife’s and Nephew’s love is not similar to that of Husband’s.

People have held different beliefs about it, perceiving it as Sacrifice, time pass, pious, curse, a beautiful light…Each having a different view about it.!

Love has various names and ways of affection are different too, yet it is the same.The very essence of man and his need for survival, acceptance and every single thing he does.Every the worst emotion Hatred is derived from Love at some point or other.

Lets get to expressing it as I see it..Love is the light, warmth which the sun evokes in sunflower, it is the longing the sky evokes in earth and the joy the peacock receives when it rains. Love is like a dew drop on a petal, so very fresh and beautiful. Its like every time you breathe in fresh air, refreshing, exciting. It twines around peoples heart and conquers everything in this realistic world.Love, like colors in painting merge with our lives, enhance and beautify it. Love depicts feelings two individuals feel for each other, creating magic that a poet weaves with words…

Love is pious, holy at the same time wild, passionate, messy.

When two individuals fall in love the realization hits later as they discover each other and accept each other with their flaws n folly's, taking them for what they are…

These words seem flowery but trust me they are true essence of the emotion which we suppress by jealousy, insecurity, thereby not letting love seep into you.

True Love is rare like Shalimar yet common like Silver, depends on how you take it.


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